
mom's stir fry--a guest blog

my mom is a really good cook. like, one of the best cooks i know. no, probably THE best cook i know. since she's not great with computers, i'm doing her guest blog for her. i was at her house tuesday night and she was making stir fry, so i decided to document it and force a guest blog on her. you guys will be the better for it. this is one of my family's favorite meals (and that's saying a lot, since my mom makes a TON of good stuff). i've never actually made this before, so it was better to post it here with her doing it, to be sure it turned out well. so let's get started. you'll need a package of chicken strips, white and green onion, a carrot, a bunch of asparagus, 1 zucchini, frozen peas, mushrooms (as many as you want--they are left out here because dave doesn't like them and my mom is nothing if not accomodating), flour, butter, salt & pepper, and spaghetti noodles.

start by cutting your chicken into cubes. then set aside so you can get going on the veggies.cut up your zucchini; peel and cut your carrot; cut the top half of the asparagus (discarding bottom half) and cut into bite size pieces; dice a bunch of green onions; dice 1/4 of an onion; slice your mushrooms. then pile 'em all together like this:
next you need to make a white sauce. click here for the recipe (sorry, i would've put pictures up but i didn't start taking pictures 'til after the sauce was already made!). add in a teaspoon of chicken bouillon (or 1 cube) when you add your milk. set sauce aside to thicken while you begin stir frying.
add a tablespoon of oil to a skillet and turn heat to high. once the oil is hot, add your chicken. add salt and pepper and stir fry for 5 minutes, or until not longer pink.
keep going...
there. perfect.
now remove the chicken to a plate.

add in a little bit more oil to the same pan and get it hot.
then pour in your veggies. not the best picture, but my mom was too fast for me so this was all i got.
there. doesn't that look good?
add a little salt and pepper, and stir fry these guys for 5 minutes.
or let your helper do it for you.
after three minutes, add in some frozen peas. this would've been better if they weren't frozen in a ball like that. as it is, they were, and it worked out just fine, so whatever.
once the ice melts, continue cooking for two more minutes and then add your chicken back in.
then add in your white sauce,
and stir.
keep stirring! once combined, it's ready. serve over spaghetti noodles with NOTHING else. this meal is good enough all by itself.
there. doesn't that look delish? it is.

mom's stir fry

1 package of chicken, cut into cubes
1-2 carrots (more is always better, i say), peeled and sliced
1 zucchini, sliced
1 bunch of asparagus, top-half sliced (discard bottom half)
mushrooms if you want
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/4 onion, diced
1 bunch of green onion, sliced
1 cup of a basic white sauce with 1 tsp. (or 1 cube) of chicken bouillon added in
spaghetti noodles

cut up all the chicken and vegetables, then set aside while you make a white sauce. once your white sauce is ready, get a tablespoon of oil hot in a wok or large frying pan. stir fry your chicken for 5 minutes or until no longer pink. remove to a plate, then add a teaspoon more oil and stir fry your vegetables for 5 minutes. add salt and pepper to taste. add your chicken and white sauce, stir to combine, and serve over cooked spaghetti noodles.


  1. btw, mom adds chicken bouillon to her white sauce for this recipe

  2. 1 tsp, probably more if your making as much as she did in the pic

  3. We tried this this week, only tweaked it because (1) Andy refuses to cook meat any ohter way then on the grill if the weather is cooperating, and (2) some in my house will not eat mushrooms, zucchini OR asparagus (and when I say some, I really just mean my husband). Oh, and we didn't have spaghetti noodles, so we used shells.

    Anyway, yummy, yummy, yummy! Thank you for sharing! We've had it twice this week already! :-)

  4. WOW! what do you add if you don't eat those veggies?

  5. lol, we did lots of carrots and lots of peas. and sometime we will try it with more veggies and let Andy pick around, but since he was cooking and all, I didn't pitch a fit at the lack of variety! Oh, but I bet broccoli would be great in it, and he'll eat that.... hmm, I'm getting hungry!

  6. is it lunch time yet? i keep reading your recipes and my mouth is watering!! haha this looks SO SO good! all those veggies and chicken MMMmm!


would you make it?