
ellen's {easy} chicken enchiladas

my mom makes the best chicken enchiladas. but they are lots of work. i was thrilled when my sister ellen gave me this recipe a few years ago, because it's like 3 ingredients and 20 minutes and you're done. so let's get started:
you'll need green chile enchilada sauce (you can use red but it's not as good in my opinion), 1/4 of an onion, 3/4 cup cheese, a package of chicken, and flour tortillas.boil the chicken for 30 minutes or until no longer pink. i used breasts here because that's all i had. i usually use strips because it's easier to chop.
i refuse to chop onions by hand, so i use this handy little tool. if you don't have one, dice 1/4 of an onion.
(or let your little helper do it for you).
like this! that was easy.
now put it in a pan on medium heat,
chop up your chicken,
and add in with the onions.
brown them together for a few minutes.
open your green sauce and pour a tiny bit in the bottom of your square pan. spread it out with a spoon.
now add 3/4 of the can to your chicken and onion on the stove.
and try not to do this because you need a little bit of sauce left at the end.and then add your 3/4 cup of cheese. i use the pregrated kind for stuff like this because it's so much faster.
stir it all together until the cheese melts and it's kinda bubbly.
then grab a tortilla and spoon some of the mixture in. oh man, i wanna lick that picture this looks so good.
then roll them up, and place them in the pan. easy as 1, 2, 3, 4!now pour the remaining sauce on top--not too much or else the tortillas get kinda soggy. like how my pinky is up in this picture? so proper. spread it out with a spoon, making sure to get some on both ends. they'll get a little crispy without it.
then sprinkle some cheese...i only had a tiny bit left of the pre-grated kind and i was too lazy to grate some myself, so this is all we got. more is better. this is pitiful. i'm embarrassed about this picture.
now pop it into a 350* oven for 20 minutes or until it's hot and bubbly. in my case, i forgot to set the timer and they cooked for almost 40...they were a bit crispy, so i didn't take a picture of them in the pan. they looked better on the plate. and they were still good, just a little crunchy. on the outside. and who doesn't like crunchy? i know i do.
since it was cinco de mayo we celebrated with the pioneer woman's spicy mac & cheese and {virgin} strawberry daquiris. yum!

ellen's chicken enchiladas

1 package of chicken {breasts or strips}
1/4 onion, diced
1 can green chile enchilada sauce
3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
4 flour tortillas

Boil chicken 30 minutes, then chop up and add to a pan with diced onion. brown for a minute, then add 3/4 of the can of enchilada sauce and 3/4 cup of cheese. stir until cheese melts, then fill tortillas with mixture. roll up and put in a square pan lined with enchilada sauce. pour remaining sauce on top and sprinkle with extra cheese. cook at 350* for 20 minutes.


  1. Emily- this looks absolutely delish!!

  2. I made this on Friday night. (Except I added some leftover pinto beans that needed to get used up.) They were great - even the kids ate them! I like your style of easy and tasty recipes - keep 'em comin'!


would you make it?