
Easy Stuffed Shells.

Hello my fellow foodies!

I'm so excited to guest blog, especially about food/recipes. I believe food needs to be fast and flavorful and that's exactly what I'm givin' you. I learned this recipe from my friend, Kim. We had a Spanglish Cooking group during the summer and she taught this recipe. It's become a weekly staple in our home and I thought I'd share it with you. Make this tonight...you'll thank me later!

Mixing bowls ready?


Measuring cups ready?


Appetites ready?


Let's get cooking!!!

Easy Stuffed Shells

The ingredients:
20-30 large pasta shells, 1 jar spaghetti sauce, 8 oz. mozzarella cheese, 16 oz. cottage cheese (or ricotta), 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, 2 eggs, and parsley flakes (or in Chie, perejil).

Cook 20-30 large pasta shells "al dente" in salted, boiling water.
{approximately 15 minutes}

While the shells are cooking, empty a jar/can of spaghetti sauce into a 9x13 pan.

I had a little leftover sauce from a previous meal...

... so I poured that in as well.
{Waste not, want not.}

(ready).Now, on to the cheese filling.

First, shred 8 oz. of mozzarella
Or, if you live in the United States, buy it shredded and skip this step.

Then, in a large bowl combine:

16 oz. cottage cheese {or ricotta}

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

8 oz. shredded mozzarella

2 eggs

and a generous amount of parsley flakes {for color}

Now, mix.
It should look like this.

Alright, now check your shells.

Drain the water.
I always leave a little in the pot so that the shells don't
stick together.
Let the shells cool for a few minutes.

Once the shells are cool enough to handle, take a heaping amount of of the cheese filling...

... and stuff your shells!
Make em' fat!
They like being chubby, kinda like me.
{Well, ok, that's a lie. I don't like being chubby, I just am.
It's because these stuffed shells are so delicious.
Darn you, stuffed shells!}

Then, lay them in the spaghetti sauce.

They like being cozy too.

Now, toss them in the oven at 350° for 30 minutes or until the cheese is hot and bubbly!

Mmmm, bubbly cheese.
It's my favorite kind of cheese!
And by the magic of television, I mean, the blogosphere, I present to you...

Easy Stuffed Shells

Buono appetito!

{Click on the picture below to print this recipe!}


  1. lynette! yum! thank you sooo much. this looks delish and easy and i can't wait to try it!

  2. Thank you Lynette! Looks simple tasty...can't wait to try it!

  3. This looks so yummy and my tummy's grumbling and it's still morning!
    I loved the easy directions and great photos! Photos always help!

  4. This does look delish. I have a similar recipe i've used in years past but its a little more complicated, so this sounds nice. They are good with a little chopped chicken thrown in too.

  5. YUM! I cannot wait to try this SOON!!!

  6. YUM! Thanks for the easy printout, that's totally cute! :)

  7. Cute printout you little digi-scrapper you!

    I made this last night and it was quite delish and most important, easy! yay for easy!

  8. Made this tonight for dinner and I added some sausage and it was wonderful! We totally will have this again!

  9. yours look great and i used your recipe for inspiration. I just added ground beef to my cheese mixture and only used one egg. Hope mine comes out as good as yours looks. By the way, I found the blog entry when I just did a google search for stuffed shells.

  10. Trying this for Mother's Day - yummy comfort food!


would you make it?